Thursday, 7 June 2012

Its all about the packaging!

We have a shrink wrapper which we had planned to use for all our soaps but following much experimenting we really don't think that they work for our fruits.  It just completely takes away from their artistic beauty.

Difficulty is that we need the soaps to be air-tight so they don't attract moisture in humid conditions (IRELAND HAS A LOT OF RAIN).

Our soaps are infused with glycerin which makes them very moisturisng but unfortunately whilst they are good for your skin it may look a little bit ugly sweating like a pig in the blazing sun when sitting pretty in a lovely little gift shop!  My guess is that the shop would also find this difficult to market to the customers!!

If only it could be done like these guys in Brazil....

Somewhat humourous but whilst the above is easier to wrap it may not help much when tyring to sell.

This week we are trying blister packs to see if they might work.  One can but hope

If we don't have much sucess with this then I may open it up on facebook for ideas with some form of competition.

Difficulty is the pricing for large runs of packaging when we can't guarantee sales.  We can't afford different sizes for each of the fruit and a small runs make the fruits just too expensive to sell.

So....  I'm off to experiment.  Enjoy the video!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting about Peter Paiva! It's been a while since I've thought about visiting his site, and it's clear that he hasn't slowed down! I would love to meet him one day!

    You are making beautiful soaps! Much luck for your business!
